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The Technologies Behind This Blog
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The Technologies Behind This Blog

October 10, 2023

Greetings! I'm Yurite, the admin of this blog. I run a blog called Yurimell. Today, I'd like to introduce the technologies that power this blog.

Hosting Environment

Initially, Yurimell was deployed on Vercel. However, to introduce advertisements and tipping services, it was necessary to upgrade to Vercel's Pro plan. This came with a monthly cost of 20 dollars, which was a significant downside. As a result, I decided to migrate to Google Cloud Run. Cloud Run is a service that allows you to easily deploy containerized applications in a fully managed environment. Furthermore, it automatically stops instances when there's no access, helping in cost savings.


We use Cloudflare to hold and serve information requested by browsers as a cache.


We've adopted TypeScript, which has now become the standard. This ensures that we can maintain high-quality code while minimizing bugs.


Tailwind css is used.

Next.js 13

For my Yurimell blog, I've adopted Next.js 13. Using version 13 was a new endeavor for me, requiring me to relearn everything from the approuter. However, after developing with this new version, I found that information organization was improved, making it highly user-friendly. Notably, the existence of layout.js meant I no longer had to rewrite the same component repeatedly, leading to cleaner code. Additionally, setting up site maps and meta tags has become considerably easier. Once you experience Next.js 13, there's no going back to 12.

Handling Blog Posts: next-mdx-remote & gray-matter

At Yurimell, we handle article content in MDX format. For this, we use libraries called next-mdx-remote and gray-matter.


Thank you for reading till the end. With recent technological advancements, the approach to web development has significantly evolved. Especially in the frontend realm, the pace of evolution is rapid, making it challenging to keep up. I hope to gradually adapt to these changes. Moving forward, I aim to create an even better blog.

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