Considering "Male Equals Blue and Female Equals Red" Through Physics
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Considering "Male Equals Blue and Female Equals Red" Through Physics

May 20, 2023

Traditionally, the color blue is associated with males, while the color red is linked to females.In many cultures, bathroom signs are painted with blue for males and red for females, and it is conventional to dress newborn boys in blue and newborn girls in red hues. Examining this notion through physics, we find that blue light possesses higher energy, while red light has lower energy.

Light is a kind of electromagnetic wave which oscillates, establishing:

Photo: wikimedia commons

Interestingly, the range of wavelengths we can see (visible light) represents just a tiny portion of all electromagnetic waves. Wavelengths shorter than blue light encompass ultraviolet rays which cause sunburns and X-rays used in radiography. Conversely, elements with longer wavelengths than red light are found in microwaves used in kitchen appliances and in the radio waves used for TV and radio broadcasting.

Historically, including biases and discrimination, males have been regarded as more active compared to females. This narrative has sustained the perspective that males should exhibit strength, while females should demonstrate restraint and grace. This differentiation extends to childhood play, with boys encouraged to play outdoors while girls are often steered towards domestic play scenarios.

Therefore, it can be inferred that society has, to some extent, perceived males as having higher energy and females lower, attributing:


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