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Self-Sustaining Services: The Power of User-Driven Platforms

Self-Sustaining Services: The Power of User-Driven Platforms

October 10, 2023

Creating a service often means not just having the operator create and manage all the content, but rather designing a mechanism where users can drive the service themselves.

This time, we introduce several examples of self-sustaining services.

  1. Twitter Twitter can be said to work for free. Users generate content and interact on the platform, providing free labor and enhancing the platform's engagement and value.

  2. Hiroyuki's Video Clips Hiroyuki, real name Hiroyuki Nishimura, is a Japanese Internet entrepreneur and is widely known as the founder of 2channel (now 5channel) Born in 1976, he is an important figure in Japanese Internet culture and founded 2channel in the early 2000s. He founded 2channel in the early 2000s. The message board became popular for its ability to allow people to freely discuss a variety of topics anonymously, and was instrumental in shaping the culture of online discussion in Japan.

    Hiroyuki has since been involved in various business and media projects and is particularly noted for his insights into youth culture and Internet-related topics. He is also known for his outspokenness on the Internet and on platforms such as YouTube, where his live Q&A sessions and opinion presentations have become popular. His outspoken and sometimes controversial speaking style has earned him a large following, but is also controversial.

  3. Universal Studios Japan (USJ) Halloween Event In this event, guests themselves become part of the attraction, participating in activities such as 'attacking' other guests. This partially creates excitement for the event through the guests themselves, reducing the need for additional costs from USJ. (Additionally, there is a special item, 'Zombie Bait,' that makes guests more susceptible to zombie attacks. Sold throughout the park, wearing and illuminating this item signals 'it's okay to be attacked by zombies,' making the wearer more prone to attacks.)

  4. Online Salons Online Salons are services where you pay to work. Members pay a participation fee and contribute to the platform through their participation and labor. Essentially, they are paying for the opportunity to participate in the service, for the experiences, connections, and networking available there.

  5. Wikipedia Wikipedia is an online encyclopedia where users can freely edit and share information. Users create and edit articles, accumulating knowledge from all over the world. This free collaboration and contribution is a key element in enhancing the platform's value.

  6. YouTube YouTube is a platform where users upload and share videos, creating a diverse range of content and providing endless entertainment for viewers. Creators have the potential to earn ad revenue, increasing platform engagement.

  7. Airbnb Airbnb is a platform where users can offer their homes or rooms for short-term rental. Hosts provide their space, and guests can stay in various locations around the world. This interaction is at the core of Airbnb, bringing a new dynamic to the traditional hotel industry.

  8. Reddit Reddit is a platform where users post content and interact through voting and commenting. Subreddits focus on specific topics, with a variety of subjects existing, where users share information and engage in discussions.

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