Uncovering the Orange Hue of Cheddar Cheese: A Carotenoid Tale
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Uncovering the Orange Hue of Cheddar Cheese: A Carotenoid Tale

April 1, 2023

What do cheddar cheese and flamingos have in common?

Question.What do "cheddar cheese" and "flamingos" have in common ?

Photo: RODNAE Productions Pexels
Photo: Dave Sandoval from Unsplash

The orange color of cheddar cheese and the pink color of flamingos are both the color of a pigment called carotenoids. Carotenoids are naturally-derived pigments, of which there are more than 750 in total. They include yellow, orange, and red. The bright colors of tomatoes and shrimp are also the color of carotenoid pigments.

Annatto pigment

The coloring commonly used in cheddar cheese is a mixture of several types of carotenoid pigments. Which is a mixture of several different carotenoid pigments. Therefore, annatto coloring is often listed in the name of food ingredients as "Carotenoid pigment" or "Carotenoids". Please look at the ingredients on the back of non-white cheddar cheese and it should say "carotenoid pigment". Annatto coloring is used in many foods and products other than cheddar cheese.Margarine, kimchi, ham, bacon, etc. It is used to make food look tasty. It is also used in lipstick in order to bring out the attractive red color.


Annatto pigment is extracted from the seeds of the achiote tree that is native to South America. Local people use achiote seeds for cosmetics and to apply color to their bodies. Today, it seems to be cultivated mostly in India.As you know saffron is a spice used to color rice in paella, but saffron is expensive. So in tropical America and other places, achiote seeds are used as a substitute for saffron.

Photo: Tongo from pixabay
Photo: Patrick Rasoanaivo from Pexels
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